Wrapping Up Solar System

Earthrise as viewed from the Moon on the Apollo 8 Mission

One of the biggest takeaways I have from the Solar System course is how different perspectives can be, and how they can really shape the way we think about not only space-related topics but life in general. The picture above is a prime example of perspective as almost everything we know about space is viewed from the perspective of people on Earth. With the most recent chapter we learned in class, discussing Drake’s Equation and the possibility of other civilizations being able to communicate, I now have very high hopes that there is definitely life out there. Although we’re not sure what life may be on other worlds outside of our own planet, I think it’s very interesting to consider what other life forms think about Earth. Have they been able to view the entire history of humanity unraveling? If they have, is that the reason they’re avoiding our planet and communication?

A lot of what I learned throughout this course surprised me and changed what I thought I knew about the solar system. Most notably, learning about all the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and learning how multiple moons possibly contain subsurface oceans just opened up a new type of desire to explore within me. I was always very interested in astronomy and space exploration, which is why I wanted to do aerospace engineering and ended up with mechanical engineering and a minor in astronomy at Vanderbilt. However, not only do I wish to be able to work on projects that will be able to send humanity to future worlds to colonize them and continue to survive, but now I also wish to be a part of one someday and see for myself the beauty of other worlds, beyond the planet where humanity began.

One response to “Wrapping Up Solar System”

  1. I also wonder if the reason that we have never encountered any life from beyond our world is because they have seen what humanity has done already. I also think moons of Saturn and Jupiter were also one of the most interesting things that we learned about this semester. I wish you luck with all of your future projects!


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